Work and Study In The USA

Your Dream to Work and Study Here

Reasons to Work in THE USA !

My English has definitely improved after being almost half a year working abroad in America. I see that I don´t even have to think anymore about how I say things in English. It just happens and most of the times it´s right. At the same time I´m still learning new words and I become more confident. And not only that, by having for example friends from France, I can also improve my french skills which is awesome. At the same time I can teach people from Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Sweden…and of course Americans, my language which is German!

Think employers would rather someone who ‘responsibly’ stays at home and gets a job, rather than embracing adventure? Think again. Employers value experience and competence above almost everything else – and you’ll gain a boatload of both working abroad in America. You’ll be responsible for a group of kids at camp, which can be a lot of work – and a fantastic chance to prove yourself.

You will become more self-confident and independent by doing things alone, solving problems, organizing trips, meeting new people, making friendships and trying new things. Even by signing in for the whole program you are doing one big step which shows that you are brave and that you have the potential to live a life full of adventures

You will learn about how Americans like to educate their children and you will experience american traditions and holidays. By traveling through the country you will see the differences in each state and area. Seeing the crazy decorations at halloween time or having a thanksgiving dinner will definitely be part of it.

We live on a planet full of interesting, beautiful, and diverse cultures, that are worth exploring, experiencing and understanding. If there’s one place to start, America might be just the right one. If there’s one place you shouldn’t miss.


Most universities in the United States require you to take general education or core classes, which give you the opportunity to study a wide variety of academic subjects – not just your major or focused field of study. These courses—ranging from writing to science classes— are also referred to as “liberal arts,” and will ensure you graduate with a well-rounded education. They also give you the time and experience you need to make an educated decision when declaring your major. Your general education classes may uncover a passion or skill set that you did not know you have.

Universities in the United States offer internship programs as a way to kickstart your professional career. Many students obtain internships during their college years to take advantage of hands-on experience and get access to better-paying jobs after graduation. Whether you want to return to your home country after graduation or remain in the United States to work full time, your U.S. education will undoubtedly be the starting point for a successful career.

The campus community is another one of the many reasons to study in the United States. Colleges and universities in the U.S. offer a wide range of campus activities beyond just academics. You will have the opportunity to join athletics, music, drama, arts, Greek life, volunteering and many other clubs and student organizations. If you want to have an active and engaging campus experience, attending school in the U.S. will provide you with many chances to get involved.

The United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. International students from all over the globe come to the U.S. for college. If you study in the United States, you will have the opportunity to learn new languages, meet new friends and experience new cultures each day.

United States universities offer a variety of services to help international students both inside and outside of the classroom. Most schools have offices dedicated to international student services. These offices can assist you with English-language skills, visa issues, financial aid and even cultural adjustment while you study abroad in the U.S. In addition, American universities offer many other resources for students, from career services to mental health services.

Solution Humbae has positively affected the career outcomes of innumerable aspirants and our ongoing relationship with our students has been a gratifying story of unparalleled success. We have placed many students in universities in the countries that we represent. You can also be a part of Solution Humbae’s success stories and add a new dimension to your career and life.